Woodster Coffee Roasters is proud to present their first direct import coffee!
Mildred grows her coffee trees in the shade of a diverse array of trees on the Campo Alegre family farm. The plantation feels more like a natural forest, with every effort made to respect the ecosystem. Limited water is used in the coffee processing, waste is recycled as fertilizer, and the land and surrounding forest are cared for in their entirety. This is a place where nature and humanity live in perfect harmony.
Mildred’s journey is marked by her passion for learning and sharing knowledge with other small-scale producers. Her farm has become a hub for research and innovation, consistently improving the quality of the specialty coffee she produces. Not only is Mildred a coffee producer, but she’s also a Q-Grader, a roaster, and the Chief Quality Control Officer of the Red Ecolsierra cooperative.
The Red Ecolsierra cooperative stands out for its three core missions:
- Reviving Colombian communities after the devastating civil war, a commitment that earned them the prestigious “Emprender Paz” prize in 2017.
- Restoring the biosphere of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, recognized by UNESCO as the highest coastal mountain range in the world and a critical protected area.
- Driving innovation to elevate the quality of specialty coffee.
It’s no wonder Mildred and her coffee have captured the hearts of Woodster Coffee Roasters.